Special Topics Classes

4-Week Special Topic Group Obedience Classes

For puppies and dogs 21+ weeks of age

Periodically we offer special topics classes that we think our class and private clients would enjoy and get value from or by special request.

No prior training is required for these topics classes, so it's also a way for us to meet new friends and their dogs, as well!

All classes are with certified trainer, Nicole Berthold and are held at the First Congregational Church of Webster Groves near I-44 and Elm Ave.

On Target starting 6/11 is FULL - Get on the Waiting List!

Important, please read...

Group classes are not appropriate for excessively vocal, fearful, aggressive or reactive dogs. For help with fear, reactivity or aggression, please visit our Private Training page for individualized, one-on-one help.

There are NO REFUNDS on group classes, once purchased. If you are unsure if your dog will do well in class or if a class is appropriate for your situation, please e-mail us before registering.

Register Now - Mon 10/7 @ 6:30pm
Class FULL - Get on the waitlist!

Rockin' Recalls! | 4 Weeks | $140

Rockin' Recalls St. Louis Dog Training
Sundays, April 6th - May 4th, 2025, 11AM (no class Easter 4/20) 

A reliable recall, or come when called, is an important lifesaving skill. Coming when called can keep your dog safe and allow your dog more freedoms in everyday life. This 4-week-class is designed to give you tools and techniques to get your dog joyfully running to you instead of away from you!

  • We will work indoors and outdoors, gradually adding distance and real-life distractions. Please dress appropriately for the weather!
  • Previous basic obedience training is helpful (but not required), and dogs must demonstrate good manners in class. Group classes are not appropriate for dogs with aggression, fear or excessive barking issues.
  • For puppies and dogs 21 weeks and older
  • Required Vaccinations: DHPP, Bordetella and Rabies administered at least 1 week prior to the start of class (or proof of titer testing). Owners will need to provide proof of vaccinations before class starts.
  • Students receive a one-time 10% off discount at any area Treats Unleashed store!
Class starts April 6th @ 11am - REGISTER NOW!
Register Now - Sun 10/13 @ 11am

Additional Information:
  • There is a maximum of two (2) attendees per dog
    • Classes are limited to six (6) dogs to maintain comfortable distancing and a promote a safe learning environment.
        • Please do not participate in training if you are sick or have symptoms.

        The Persuaded Pooch is proud to offer 4-week Special Topics group dog training classes in the lower level of the First Congregational Church of Webster Groves.

        St Louis Dog Training Classes

        The church is about 1 mile off the highway at I-44 at the corner of Lockwood and Elm, and is easily accessed by St. Louis City, St. Louis County and IL residents via I-270/255, I-55 and I-64/40.

        First Congregational Church of Webster Groves
        10 W Lockwood Ave, Webster Groves, MO 63119

        The parking lot and entrance is accessed from Elm Ave. Look for the "Dog Class" sign near the building. A staircase will lead you to the lower-level training room entrance just behind the low brick wall.

        Questions? Want to learn more?... Contact us!

        Looking for private dog training lessons? Click here!