Better Manners Start Now!

6-Week "Essential Etiquette" Group Obedience Classes

For puppies and dogs 21+ weeks of age

Does your dog bark, jump, counter-surf, charge through doors, pull on-leash?...

Read our Client Reviews!

Dogs will be dogs, and fortunately and unfortunately, many of these behaviors can be considered normal.

The good news is that, as dog-owners, we have the opportunity to modify and improve their behavior at home and in other situations, like on walks and in meeting new people.

More good news!… Positive dog trainer, Nicole Berthold, can guide you through training your dog to more desirable behaviors, like coming when called, walking nicely on a leash, and staying in place… all with positive, fast and effective training techniques.

A well-behaved dog is a pleasure to have around the house, out in public and virtually everywhere. Teaching your dog basic training skills are essential to obtaining good canine manners.

The Persuaded Pooch is proud to offer 6-week "Essential Etiquette" basic obedience group dog training classes in the lower level of the First Congregational Church of Webster Groves.

St Louis Dog Training Classes

The church is about 1 mile off the highway at I-44 at the corner of Lockwood and Elm, and is easily accessed by St. Louis City, St. Louis County and IL residents via I-270/255, I-55 and I-64/40.

First Congregational Church of Webster Groves
10 W Lockwood Ave, Webster Groves, MO 63119

The parking lot and entrance is accessed from Elm Ave. Look for the "Dog Class" sign near the building. A staircase will lead you to the lower-level training room entrance just behind the low brick wall.

Don't wait any longer for a better-behaved dog! Taught by our skilled, certified, experienced and positive lead instructor, Nicole Berthold. Classes are fun, engaging and can help build your dog’s everyday skills!

Important, please read!

Essential Etiquette classes are not appropriate for excessively vocal, fearful, aggressive or reactive dogs. For help with fear, reactivity or aggression, please visit our Private Training page for individualized, one-on-one help.

There are NO REFUNDS on group classes, once purchased. If you are unsure if your dog will do well in class or if a class is appropriate for your situation, please e-mail us before registering.

St Louis Dog Training Classes Persuaded Pooch Nicole Veile

Essential Etiquette Class | 6 Weeks | $210

  • For puppies and dogs 21 weeks of age and older
  • Your dog will learn good manners around dogs, people, interesting food smells, and other real world distractions.
  • This 50-minute weekly class covers essential skills such as Sit, Down, Stay, walking nicely on a leash and coming when called.
  • Maybe Fido already has good skills at home? Help him learn those skills amidst the distractions of other dogs and people in a public setting!
  • Class is held for six (6) consecutive weeks. No refunds are offered for missed classes.
  • A 45-60 minute online orientation is required prior to starting your first class (more details to follow upon registration).
  • Required Vaccinations: DHPP, Bordetella and Rabies administered at least 1 week prior to the start of class. Owners will need to provide proof of vaccinations prior to the first class.
  • BONUS! Receive a one-time 10% off discount at any Treats Unleashed pet store, curbside, online or via in-home delivery. Treats Unleashed is your Essential Etiquette class prep headquarters! They carry (almost) everything you need for class time... and SO MUCH MORE!
    Class starting Thurs April 3rd @ 6pm - REGISTER NOW!
    Class starting Thurs April 3rd @ 7:10pm - REGISTER NOW!

    Additional Information:
    • There is a maximum of two (2) attendees per dog
      • Classes are limited to six (6) dogs to maintain comfortable distancing and a promote a safe learning environment.
          • Please do not participate in training if you are sick or have symptoms.

              Questions?... Contact us!
              Looking for puppy training? Click here! 
              Looking for private dog training lessons? Click here!