The Persuaded Pooch Reviews
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"Hi Sarah and Nicole - Now that we have finished our training with Persuaded Pooch, I just wanted to write you two and thank you for the positive relationship we have had for the first 4 months of Chamo's life with us...
The puppy socialization (both the class and my own) went a long way in making Chamo a very friendly dog with all other dogs and people. He plays great with all non-aggressive dogs and nicely approaches every person for some love! And he never jumps! That was a key goal for us from the very beginning.
Then, between the two installments of Nicole's training, plus the [Tuesday night obedience classes], we have come a long way with his obedience. He has an impeccable "Sit" "Down," and "Wait." He is very good at "Leave It," and also pretty good at "Stay" and "Drop." Walking and running with him has become much more enjoyable than it used to be since he's not always tugging really hard to go ahead. Now, he's not exactly walking right at my side like a machine, but I've realized this is a level of obedience that will take a much longer time to develop.
We've been inspired by his character and trained attributes to the point of wanting another! We'll see, but I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't get another Malamute puppy by the end of 2020. And if we do, you'll be hearing from us again!"
- Dan Haberberger, Kirkwood, MO

Hi Sarah - We wanted to let you know Celty is doing really well! We continue to work on her reactivity using positive reinforcement training techniques and we are still seeing a lot of progress. We have great places to walk leisurely and train here in Little Rock, AR, and open areas to use her long line for “sniffing” walks. She has also built positive relationships with a few other dogs and loves her new home and back yard. These three things have been really helpful for her behavior in general, and overall she’s really thriving. Anna continues to read literature on positive reinforcement and has really liked learning more on her own. We’re very grateful to have found you to work with before we left St. Louis, especially because there aren’t many positive reinforcement trainers in Arkansas. Thank you!...We’ve attached a few recent pictures of Celty and a few of her friends here in Arkansas.
- Anna Waddell and Patrick Phelan
(Former residents of apartment life in St Louis City)
"- Ray Groce, Des Peres, MO
"Hi Nicole, Thank you for your guidance, support in training Fiona! You taught me how to support Fiona in learning new behaviors, and importantly the use of tools like treat progression and the whistle for her recall. I appreciate your taking her to different parks, exposing her to a variety of distractions. The videos were incredibly helpful. I was able to watch them over and over to pick out details of which I could build upon. The whistle recall has been working, and she keeps me the center of her attention. Thank you again, I am very happy I got to work with you again, and for The Persuaded Pooch to offer the intensive training ("We Train for You"). Fiona is getting praise in her behavior from the vet, my family, and neighbors! "
- Alice Miller, Webster Groves, MO
"Robbie is doing just great! His interactions with other dogs and people has improved 1000%. He does very well even in the front of the building and there have been no incidents any where near the magnitude we had in the past. In fact he now gets along with dogs he had major encounters with before. Last Saturday we went to the Saint Louis Scottie Rescue fun day at the AKC Museum of the Dog. He was there for four hours and won 1st prize for best trick and second place for best sit up! He did get a little cranky near the end but no incidents. He fell sound asleep as soon as we got going in the car. He has made many new people and dog friends in the neighborhood (including puppies and young dogs). Thanks again for all your help!"
- Dan and Mary Cornell, St. Louis, MO
"My Labrador, Subie, has a very, um, exuberant outlook on life. Although she has done well in obedience classes, the trainers were unable to help me translate those skills into a workable plan to manage her unruly behaviors in the house. Sarah helped us by creating an individualized training plan that built upon our knowledge base, transforming undesirable behaviors into acceptable conduct. In addition, Sarah shared a lot of information that improved communication between Subie and me. Although we are still a ‘work-in-progress,’ my household is calmer and less stressful. Subie no longer rules the roost with her rambunctious behavior!"
- Erin Day, St. Louis, MO
"Sarah, we really enjoyed the dog training class and appreciated your accommodations for a high anxiety dog. I'm happy to report that [terrier mix] Sadie, Colleen and I are making progress. Also, thank you for the recommendation of Four Muddy Paws. It was a very positive experience and I would recommend that place for grooming high anxiety dogs. Sadie was also able to walk around with 4-5 other dogs in the store. We still have a ways to go but are on the right path. Thanks, Jake"
- Jake Ronecker, Webster Groves, MO
"Four-year-old Augie never had any formal training, but we were amazed that Sarah was able to teach our “old dog new tricks!” We wanted to hire a positive trainer and Sarah was great with showing us some basic obedience skills that we can use while out on a walk, at the vet and when visitors come over. He listens to us more, and feel like we can take him out in public more often, too. Sarah was very professional, and we thank her for her help… and so does the poor cat!"
- Carol Ault, St. Louis, MO
"I just wanted to let you know we are really enjoying getting to help Parker learn and I would definitely recommend the class... We definitely appreciate the positive training style of class and how you are teaching us to have a better relationship with Parker at home and in the community."
- Kathi Sayler, St. Louis, MO
"Thank you again for all of the great training advice! Luke is so much better behaved than he used to be. You helped us a lot!... He has his puppy moments, but you have given us so many tools to help us figure those moments out and how to incorporate him in our daily lives."
- Tori McCarty, Webster Groves, MO
"Hi Sarah - Thought you'd like to hear this... Fritzie got away the other day and ran about 2 yards away. Mom got the whistle and blew it. Fritzie looked up and ran right back to Mom. Amazing since she hasn't practice that skill since you were coming. Thanks again for your great training."
- Lynn Beinke, Foristell, MO
"Our Pointer/Lab mix, Carter, is such an attention hog, and can’t stand it if he’s not the center of attention! Sarah showed us how to use the attention of our visitors as the motivation for obtaining good behavior, like not jumping or barking. Carter also liked to bolt out the door after our other dog, Champ, barking and nipping all the way. Now both dogs sit and wait patiently to be let out, which makes potty-time a whole lot easier."
- Tina Woehrle, St. Louis, MO
"Sarah - Thank you for training Yadi and making training a joy! Your keen observations and guidance have been invaluable. You have provided me with support and training to get us off to a great start. It’s awesome to see progress and hard work pay off and really neat to see others notice the improvement as well (even strangers!). Definitely could not have done it without your expertise. Appreciate everything you have done."
Rebecca Jones, St. Louis, MO
"Sade is doing great... She no longer uses a crate, and is able to stay on her own without potty accidents. She does great, waiting for toys and at the door. She doesn't chew or destroy things, other than her toys, LOL...The nipping and biting has completely stopped...phew! She is just a big, cuddly, baby, and we love having her.
I know her learning will always be a work in progress, but you have been immensely helpful in getting us on the right track."- Claudia Southern, Florissant, MO
"I highly recommend Sarah and The Persuaded Pooch. She went above and beyond, giving us materials with ideas such as indoor activities to do with our dogs during the dangerously hot summer. She makes the effort to really get to know her students and meet their needs."
- Caroline Wise, Webster Groves, MO
"Nicole, we had some really good results today with [Princess] Leia and the grand-dog, Buttercup, with "parking the dog." And Leia picked up on the hand target as well! Thank you. We are feeling much more confident that she is the great dog we feel is there."
- Sally Lescher, Webster Groves, MO
"My dog went from barking at other dogs when we go for walks to looking at me. He also is much more quiet in the car now. Thanks Sarah!"
- Aaron Doerr, Webster Groves, MO
"Hi Sarah! - I just saw the folder on my desktop with Kevins training videos and HAD to watch a bunch of them. I wanted to thank you again for helping Kevin, he is SUCH a different dog now! (He has always had a great personality, just a little excited!) We finally speak the same language and you built that foundation for us. I recommend you any chance I get!... Hope you are well!"
- Jennie Bates, St. Louis, MO
"We will be forever grateful for the training we received from the Persuaded Pooch. Under the gentle guidance of Sarah, we were able to transform Max from a 17-pound terrorist to a calm, loving companion dog. It’s amazing what can be accomplished with patience, persistence and kindness. Again, thanks."
- Sara and Roger Johnson, St. Louis, MO
"Sarah - Thank you for all your help with Birdie! We couldn’t be happier with the progress she has made. We will be keeping up with her walking and games as well as doing the same things with Kingsley. He has caught on quickly with what he has to do in order to get treats. Thanks again for everything. Working with you has been a great experience."
- John Freund, Webster Groves, MO
"You really helped me with the necessary tools for this journey with my little friend [Jaime]. I wish you could see him when he makes me laugh in the I trim the bushes, he mischievously grabs my clippings and spreads them all over the yard. He has a grand old time and I love seeing the relaxed and playful Jaime, with his butt up in the air and that tail wagging furiously (that tail tells me everything!) Again thank you and I will call you if needed."
- Pat McLafferty, St. Louis, MO
"Hi Sarah - Just had to brag a little. Today a group (3 gals and their furry friends) had a [therapy dog] visit at Autumn View. This is where Sammi and I used to visit with them. On nice days we would go to lunch with our furry friends. Well today they texted and did I want to join them. Long story short... Raven and I did just that. Lunch was eaten and lots of talk. My girl was the best. Interaction with other mutts, stayed on a down stay and wasn't bothered by people or waitress going by. So proud of her. Thank you Sarah for showing us the way."
- Marge Taylor, Webster Groves, MO
"Hi Sarah, Ozzy is doing well. I have people over more often and practice click and treat for no bark, and do less nail trimming at a time. He stops the barking pretty quickly now and I let him approach to greet and get loved on... I even think he barks less at other dogs that go by, although he didn't bark at them all the time anyway... He is so smart. He is a wonderful dog and we love him! It’s unbelievable the change in him since your training. Thank you so much!"
- Julie Newport, St. Louis, MO
"We are so grateful for our time working with Nicole. She really helped us get Ducky to a happy puppy place where she knows what to do in most situations, and we know what to do in most situations! Among other things...
- Ducky now jumps into the car and takes stress-free rides without getting sick!
- Ducky is a perfect walking companion, constantly checking in with me and much less reactive to all the other dogs and loud trucks we pass.
- Ducky has mastered “on your mat” - which has made so many situations better.
- Ducky can show off her “Shake” for all the neighborhood kids. And soon she’ll be showing off weaving between my legs.
- Ducky will come with the “Touch” command from long distances in the house (useful for when she jumps on top of my daughter on the couch) and short distances outside (useful for when she tries to walk on the pool cover or finds something really stinky in the park).
"Just a quick note to let you know we survived Luna's "teenage phase". She calmed down after she was spayed and we followed your advice allowing her more sleep and splitting up activities. Also, we have been very consistent and positive with her while just ignoring and walking away from "bad' behavior. Her nickname is now "Shadow" because she follows me around the house all the time. She no longer bites at the leash, or barks for attention and even retrieves sticks rather that running away with them. She has her moments and still has a tendency to be mouthy (no biting, but wants to mouth you when she is excited), but you can pet her head without her shying away. More importantly, she is fitting in well and she seems to be content. Thanks for helping "rescue" Luna and us!"
"Hi Sarah!... As for Rogi, we’ve seen a lot of what you and we worked on 'stick.' The food motivation has helped tremendously on redirecting him, with walking, and he’s really getting good at staying all fours on the ground when we give him the 'Stay' command when other people come around.
We recently had [my fiance's] parents watch him while we were out of the country and both were really impressed with his temperament and ease of getting him [crated], compared to when they watched him last spring/summer. We were able to give them a crash course on some of the skills we worked on and they said it worked like a charm.
So overall, things are better and we keep working on the little things week by week, using the clicker less and verbalizing affirmation along with treats. We still have some work and reinforcement to continue doing but we are so pleased with his growth thus far and our better understanding of our relationship with our dog. I always keep in mind what you said once to 'set him up for success.' It seems obvious but I appreciate that approach and it makes it easier to pivot whenever we slip up or he gets into something he shouldn’t. So thank you, again!"
- Erin Everson, Saint Louis, MO
Scout continues to do well and make progress with her basic manners… Nicole’s help and guidance was invaluable in getting Scout up the learning curve faster than I would have done on my own.
My wife and I have never had a puppy so we needed some basic skills and understanding of puppy behavior and knowing what to expect. Nicole was professional in her approach to training us and Scout and giving us confidence in handling Scout, which is the primary aim of most coaching. As someone who spends quite a bit of time in the executive coaching space, I think Nicole has good skills and a solid approach.
Our current approach is to continue to expose Scout to new situations letting her guide the interactions. During our daily walks I’ve started to add some of her basic training (sit, down, paw) which she really doesn’t want to do as she wants to explore during her walks, but she now recognizes that’s part of the walk and will do about anything for a treat.
I do want to push myself and Scout in her training with more “tricks” and would definitely like to know more about agility training as she continues to mature…
Again, I’m grateful for all of the help and encouragement provided by Nicole and the “chicken lady” is always welcome to stop by and see her star pupil!